A very busy summer!

We love the summer, not just because it means sunshine, blue skies and longer days in the garden, but because it also means we get to head out to shows and meet our customers.
Due the size and scale of our products, and the fact that each one is bespoke and hand-crafted, it can be tricky for us to show off our creations. That makes the shows even more special for us as they become our showrooms and we have customers who wait all year round to come and see us – it’s so lovely to be able to finally meet people who we’ve been in contact via phone and email with for months! Not only that but it’s always great to meet new customers and introduce them to our company.
The show season kicked off for us in May when we exhibited at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. A highlight in the horticultural calendar, Chelsea is always a fantastic week. It all started for us on the press day on the Monday when Alan Titchmarsh launched our new NGS designs. Whilst he was on our stand, Alan joined us in presenting a cheque for £45,000 to NGS chairman Martin McMillan OBE and chief executive officer George Plumptre, which is the total raised from all sales from our NGS collection since its launch.
Next we headed up to Derbyshire for the second ever RHS Chatsworth Flower Show. It’s safe to say that last year’s show was somewhat on the wet side! But fortunately the flood warnings and washed out fields of last year were not to be seen! And finally, we rounded it all off with a lovely week at Hampton Court. We enjoyed stunning weather at all of the shows this year and it certainly helped show visitors to see our products at their best.