
Posted by David in Design

We have been key partners of the National Garden Scheme for over a decade and this year marked 11 years of our partnership. We are delighted to be able to continue to support their wonderful work!  Our Managing Director, Linda Lane along with some of our team, were down in London again this year at […]

Posted by David in Design, News

Over the years we’ve worked on some exciting projects to get our glasshouses into public gardens and we spent time last year sharing public spaces that have a Griffin Glasshouse to help inspire your next garden visit. In this article we share some ‘sometimes public’ gardens that you will get the chance to see as […]

Posted by David in Design

Over the course of the year, we’ve been sharing some of the stunning gardens all over the country where you can find a Griffin Glasshouse. Well, we’re not quite finished! Welcome to list three of where to find Griffin Glasshouses in publicly opened gardens across the UK.  If you’ve not yet seen where some of […]

Posted by David in Design

If you have been following our story the last couple of years, you will know that we donated a painting by ‘Wonky Artist’ Rachel Smith to our friends at Horatio’s Garden for their Autumn Fundraising Art Auction. We wanted to help them raise much-needed funds so they can continue to provide beautiful, accessible gardens for […]

Posted by David in Design

In April, we put together a first article telling you all about where you can find a Griffin Glasshouse in publicly opened gardens across the country. We have put together another list of beautiful gardens in the UK as a part two to this article. So read on to find out where else you can […]

Posted by David in Design

We are really excited about getting going on the next project for Horatio’s Garden. The charity is embarking on it’s 8th garden with Hugo Bugg and Charlotte Harris of Harris Bugg studio, and where better place to debut the design than at RHS Chelsea Flower Show? RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023 was a brilliant experience, […]

Posted by David in Design

As key partners for the National Garden Scheme, we have our customers to thank for helping us raise a record amount for the charity this year through sales of our NGS range of glasshouses. Griffin Glasshouses’ Managing Director Linda Lane presented the National Garden Scheme with a cheque for £25,367 from sales of Griffin Glasshouses […]

Posted by David in Design

We captured a very special moment at RHS Chelsea Flower Show this year, when we were able to present the painting created at RHS Chelsea 2022 by wonky artist Rachel Smith, to Dr Olivia Chapple of Horatio’s Garden. Last year at RHS Chelsea we ran a fundraising event for Horatio’s Garden on Press Day. Press […]