Why Might You Want An Alpine Glasshouse In Your Garden? Feature Article On The AGS Website

If you are an alpine enthusiast, you’ll be interested in reading the latest feature article on the Alpine Garden Society website. The feature looks at the specific needs of some alpines, where the help of a glasshouse is needed in order to survive and thrive in the UK.
Although alpine plants grow in wide-open spaces high in the mountains and are tough and hardy plants that have to endure harsh weather, they do have specific growing conditions that need to be met. You might be wondering why an alpine house is needed to grow them successfully in the UK climate. The weather in this country can also be harsh, where we too experience long and cold winters.
We contributed to the most recent feature article on the AGS website by The Tea Break Gardener which takes you on a voyage of discovery as you are introduced to a range of plants that are just perfect for alpine glasshouse growing. The piece also discusses why such hardy plants used to surviving in incredibly hostile environments need a specialist greenhouse to help them grow successfully in our much more temperate climate.
We’ve been involved in creating specialist glasshouses for many types of gardens over the years, including creating an Alpine outcrop in mid-Kent for Dr Adrian Cooper that included an 8-ton Kentish Ragstone mound. It is in this glasshouse that Dr Cooper cares for some of the rarest Alpine plants growing in this country.
We were also asked by Amanda Whittaker, who is the holder of the National Collection of Crassulas, to design a customised glasshouse to house her collection that had been awarded National Collection status by Plant Heritage.
It is perhaps our experience in creating specialist greenhouses for specific growing conditions that led to us being commissioned by the Alpine Garden Society to build a glasshouse for them at their headquarters in Pershore in 2018.
Whatever your specialist plant growing interest, whether it is alpines, crassulas, cacti, orchids or bulbs there’s no doubt that there is a great pleasure in staging these collections in high quality and beautiful glasshouse structure. Learn more about the endless possibilities of an alpine house on the AGS website, and find out more about the wonderful plants you can grow, and about those that must have glasshouse protection to survive.
If you are looking to add a glasshouse to your garden for a specialist application or just because you’ve always dreamed of adding a glasshouse to your garden, then get in touch. You can request a brochure for inspiration, or you can email us at or call us on +44 (0)1962 772512 to have a discussion about your garden design plans.